T-shirt Tavernes Sainte-Cécile Ottawa
Qu'est-ce qui fait la grandeur d'une ville? Il ne fait aucun doute que ce sont les gens qui l'habitent, mais ce sont aussi les établissements que ces gens fréquentent ! Le t-shirt Ottawa Tavern présente certains des meilleurs bars et débits de boissons de notre ville. Nous nous inclinons devant leur longévité, et nous sommes reconnaissants qu'il existe encore des endroits où les artistes, les politiciens, les sportifs, les down-and-outers, et la fille et le gars d'à côté peuvent tous se côtoyer et partager une pinte !
- 100% coton filé à l'anneau
- Pré-rétréci
- Le t-shirt est sérigraphié au Canada
- Tailles unisexes, les femmes peuvent donc vouloir commander une taille en dessous
Sainte-Cecile est une collaboration de conception entre Victoire et notre bonne amie Nadyne que vous connaissez peut-être mieux comme l'esprit derrière Girl From Away ! Toujours partante pour les jeux de mots avec la langue et la joue, nous aimons son sens de l'humour intelligent.
We ship out packages multiple times a week, typically within 3 days. If something you've ordered from us online isn't quite right, we offer exchange or store credit for all online orders, including all sale merchandise. Simply email us to notify us of the issue within 1 week of receiving the item, ship it back to us with tags attached, and send us the tracking number of the returned parcel within 14 days of initially receiving the package. We will provide you with a shipping label to send it back. (Canadian orders only). Refunds are no longer offered.
When you shop at Victoire, you're supporting slow fashion and jewelry made in Canada. It's thanks to you that these independent designers and makers can continue to thrive.
When you support a small business, you're valuing economic diversity, sustainable growth, community prosperity, dynamic neighbourhoods and collective creativity!
14 Day Return / Exchange Policy
If something you've ordered from us online isn't quite right, we offer exchange or store credit, even on sale merchandise. We’ll even send you the shipping label to send it back. (Canadian orders only). Simply email us to notify us of the issue within 1 week of receiving the item, we'll send ya the return shipping label, and then ship it back to us with tags attached within 14 days of initially receiving the package.
10 Day Return
15+ Years
Made In Canada
Free Shipping in Canada $150+
About Victoire
Victoire is the foremost boutique for curated Canadian fashion design. Since 2006, Victoire has been a leader in representing the very best of independent Canadian fashion while championing sustainable and ethical business practices. Victoire is a trailblazer in showcasing the talent of established and emerging Canadian designers.