The gift of colour for our sartorial dramas 

How many dentist appointments have we all spent reading about the need for a LBD in our wardrobe? So much in fact that we FREQUENTLY hear in the shop about the lack of colour options in closets. The impact of a great piece in an under-utilized colour goes a long way to feeling inspired and re-interpret older pieces with a renewed zest! Making everyday dressing feel extra ;) Whether it be a tip-top top, a purse with BAM power, jacket with pizzazz, shoes that step-it-up; colour is where it's at!

Now all this isn't to diminish the legendary status of the LBD (especially by the master of the form: Valerie Dumaine) but colour sure does tell a story.

Regine & Katie



18 juin, 2019 — Ainslie Lahey