Velo Vogue: A Bicycle Fashion Show
When the Ottawa community comes together to make an event the best it can be, it is really something special to witness all of the hard work come to fruition. Though, with all of the planning needed to produce such an impressive fashion event you need one motivated lady! So this congratulations goes to our very special Ottawa gal Zara, of local bicycle and fashion blog Ottawa Velo Vogue for putting together the Velo Vogue Fashion Show, which raised money for Right Bike (A social organization that trains and employs individuals in our community who are working to overcome barriers to employment). A BIG thank you is also in order for allowing Victoire to be one of the clothing sponsors. Our shop gal Ashley had a blast and we have the photos to prove it!
*Special thanks to Carolynn LacasseJackpine and Finnsquare for some amazing photos


Pre-event set up

LOVING the signage
Birds of North America Goldenthroat top, with the Betina Lou Lisa shorts in red & Eleven Thirty Christie Leopard bag

Darling Zara Dress in peach, purple, and yellow!

Noah Venkatarangam performing his Wonderheart EP
Ashley on the left, and Carolynn of Ottawa blog j'adore this on the right!