We want to give a major shout out to all the moms out there who are doing the most. Whether you are a mom or have a mom who is working a full time job, running a business, juggling 3 jobs or have dropped everything to be a stay- at-home mom, it's a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice! At Victoire we help a lot of moms and moms-to-be and we just want to say that we salute you! You deserve to look and feel amazing! 

If you know a hard working mom out there, we want you to nominate her for a special Mother's Day giveaway! 

Tag a mom on Instagram or on Facebook who is deserving of extra love and you will both be entered in to win one of our exclusive Roseanne T-shirts and she will get the new Stay Home Club Maman pin too!

As part of our Mother's Day celebrations, we want to showcase some inspiring mamas we love. First up is Beatrice Martin, otherwise known as Coeur de Pirate.

Coeur de Pirate has always been one of our favourite artists (and customers!), and is a constant inspiration. She penned an open letter last year after the Orlando shootings, coming out as queer and has since began writing for Vice's Noisey about her struggles with anxiety and mental health. Her openness about these struggles and coming to terms with herself, both as a public figure and a normal human being, are what make Beatrice Martin so genuine. The fact that she is also a new mother and is learning to accept these things about herself is a beautiful example for her daughter, Romy. 

When she wrote her open letter coming out as queer, it was to finally be honest with herself and tell her daughter that it's okay to love who you want to love without fear. We think Romy is a pretty lucky gal to have such a wonderfully honest and caring person as her mother. 

May 08, 2017 — Ainslie Lahey