We are beyond touched by all of your generous contributions and your thoughtful words. We are really just so very very very excited to have you as investors! We were really nervous about going public about our financial shortcomings and scared about how the Indie Gogo campaign would be received. 
But since launching this campaign we've had so many amazing & honest conversations with some of you about this. One of you told us how excited you were about being an investor in a business like ours and how Victoire is what you dream of doing in another life.  It feels so cool to be part of other people's dreams, cos you guys are definitely part of ours! Another customer said she appreciated how frank we were about the realities of small business ownership, and that that honesty and connection with our customers is what's gotten us to where we are today. So phewwwww thank you so much for not pointing and laughing!

If you haven't checked out our Indie-gogo campaign yet, we would love if you would give it a gander. Even better, if you could tweet it, Facebook it or share it with others that would be just beyond. We are over the half-way mark which makes us want to reach our goal even more!

Again thank you for the support and spreading the word. This is all you guys!
December 16, 2013 — Victoire (noreply@blogger.com)