We are so excited to be helping spread the word about Ottawa Rock Camp for Girls and to raise some money for more girls to learn the skills it takes to ROCK OUT!! We told you a few weeks ago about the wicked t-shirts we got made by Ross Proulx to help raise money. They are still on sale at the shops and they come in men's and women's sizes so everyone can support.

This Saturday September 7th,  us and our pals over at TOWN are doing another fundraiser for ORC4G. A percentage of sales from all purchases made at either of the locations that day will go to send another kid to camp.  The shops are stock full of so much new fall clothing so you are sure to fall in love with lots! Treat yourself to something pretty while insuring the next generation knows how to rock!

Here is our current favorite band of young ladies: Super Cute!
September 03, 2013 — Victoire (noreply@blogger.com)