A few weeks ago now, we went to New York for a buying trip for Steel Magnolias, our house brand of jewelry. Though it was for work, we had a lot of fun too. We brought Sonny with us who decided to grow his first tooth on the trip (not cool!!!!!) and our bestie MC got engaged while we were there to the Naked Cowboy in Times Square!!!!!!!! (That isn't true, he is a full dressed Cowboy from Alberta). We actually remembered to take pictures but we got so busy that we never posted them. Here are a few just so that we don't feel like our efforts were wasted. Next trip we will be more punctual:
Our first time at Gay Pride in NYC and it was totally awesome. Such a great year to be a part of it too!

We stayed at the ACE hotel which was awesome. You know what I love about their hotels? That they look super freakin' cool and yet their staff is super friendly/fun/helpful. It was great!  And you know what I love about my friends? That on a Saturday night in NYC they hung out with me in the hallway outside our room while Sonny slept so that I didn't miss out. You guys rule!
July 16, 2013 — Victoire (noreply@blogger.com)